Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Healthy Eating For Kids: Childhood Obesity

Childhood Obesity has been a problem for many years now but with the rapid increase of children with this chronic condition on the rise in recent years, it has finally gained national recognition. Children between the ages of two years old and five years old right now are on their way to becoming the next generation of adults with obesity. Obesity has become one of the biggest public problems since tobacco use and exposure. However, bad eating habits are not to be blamed solely on this condition.There are also genetic diseases that can predispose children to become overweight cannot be forgotten.

Healthy eating and diets for kids along with an active lifestyle can help at-risk kids have the longevity and energy throughout their lives. Some of the best examples of this is:

1. Do not get into power struggles with your child over food.

2. Never use food as a behavior modification tool.

3. Set a good example by eating healthy yourself.

Always keep in mind the health of yourself and your children. Healthy eating and diets for kids is such a big factor in helping with our staggering childhood obesity rates. If you lead by example and keep yourself in shape with a good diet and regular exercise, you can impress upon your kids the importance of being a health-oriented individual. These habits will stay with them for all of their lives.

Click Here For More Information On Childhood Obesity!

1 comment:

JacquelineC said...

Hey Charlie, thanks for stopping by. You should check out my sister-in-law's blog Sunburnt Wheatgrass. Occasionally she shares some of the wild food her kids eat. All very healthy but not all of up my alley...

I remember my sister's rules with her kids, very reasonable and very much geared toward not engaging in battles. Try everything, if you take it you eat it. If you're no longer hungry but haven't finished, we save it for later. When you get hungry again, you don't get dessert or something else, you get to finish what you didn't finish at dinner. Etc.

Kids learned self-control. Not to be wasteful and didn't get into battles about "evil goodies" or desserts.

The Leather District Gourmet

They're healthy happy and well adjusted kids now, um I mean grown ups...