Friday, October 31, 2008

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

**ON MY SOAPBOX! My Rant on the Food Industry!**

Every once in awhile something I read or see on T.V. or hear on the radio gets my blood to come close to a full boil. When this happens, I need to get it out. Since I am not a violent man, the next best thing is to put a post together in my blog. Well, today is that day; at least for awhile until the next thing comes along. Today I read an article from about what the Food Industry does NOT want us to know. It was a great article about how even the junk food companies are stating that they are starting to "steer kids away" from bad choices and more towards "healthier choices" when it comes to food. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?? If anyone believes that they are trying to steer away kids from their junk food products; a population that these companies make their living off of; I have some swamp land i can sell you cheap! Childhood obesity rates are astronomically high; doctors, nurses, medical professionals, are seeing kids as young as 2-4years old with weight problems; and THESE companies are saying they are steering kids away?? Here is a quote from the article:

"Food giant PepsiCo, for example, points out on its website, that 'we can play an important role in helping kids lead healthier lives by offering healthy product choices in schools.' The company highlights what it considers its healthier products within various food categories through a 'Smart-Spot Campaign that features green symbols on packaging."

There is no arguing that we as a society need to eat healthier. There is no argument here. especially in our children, do we need to have them eating healthier foods, exercising more and getting off the proverbial "couch potato" lifestyle of watching too much television and playing WAY too many hours of video games! (Sidenote: video games are also on my "ranting radar" but will save that for another day). Healthier living is what we need to enphasize and it does NOT need to come from the hypocites that run the junk food companies! Check out this video below about what is going on.Click and Paste this in your browser:

We are a society that is literally "killing" our kids with bad eating habits and we need to stop it now. I am a parent and I try to instil in my son healthy eating habits and exercise almost on a daily basis because it was instilled in me from my mother. My sister and I grew up with a mother WAY ahead of her time when it came to healthy eating. She was always getting low to non fat foods; making sure we had fresh fruits and vegetables; low sugar intake; scraping fat off of foods that she prepared; etc. This back in the early 1970's! And exercise?? She always had us outside playing games and sports and riding bikes ALL THE TIME! Why should this be any different now?? There are so many kids as well as adults who need to lose weight. Not only for better health but, in some cases, to SAVE THEIR LIVES!

Being a healthy parent is crucial and to hear that junk food companies are trying to get away from marketing prooducts to kids; the very kids that keep these giants in business; is laughable! We need to get our kids eating healthier foods and getting our information from more credible sources rather than the very companies that sell junk food to anyone and everyone that they can.

Thanks for letting me rant and rave to get this out of my system. I feel much better and I think I can go on with the rest of my day in a calm and cool manner. At least until the next issue comes by to get me boiling again.

If you would like to read the article that has gotten me all up in arms; CLICK HERE NOW!


Saturday, October 18, 2008

**Check Out This Great Expo!**

Just a quick post today to let you in on a great Expo happening in Toronto, Canada October 24th-26th. If you can make it to Toronto or if you live there you should really check it out.

Click Here To Visit Their Site!

Its all about being a healthy parent to yourself and your kids.

Friday, October 17, 2008

**Hard Economic Times?Exercising on a Budget**

Many people are very scared about what is going on with the U.S. economy these days. The Stock Market under 9K; Foreclosures all over the place; etc. Its hard for anyone at all to find "extra" money that they can use for what they want to use it for; not what they have to use it for. This includes expensive Gym memberships. As with my last blog post, you do not have to skimp on exercising during these hard economic times. There are many exercises that can be done for no cost at all to well under $100. These include many exercises and equipment that have many different uses. From an exercise ball and bands to just plain walking; you do not have to spend your "extra" money on expensive Gym memberships, home gyms, treadmills, etc to get the needed exercise. You do not have to "lose your shirt" to lose the weight you need. Check out this GREAT article about what you can do to exercise on a budget:


Remember that exercising and healthy eating does not have to go "out the window" in these hard economic times.

For More Information and Tips, CLICK HERE TODAY!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

**Hard Economic Times? Don't Skimp On Healthy Foods! **

The video above is an exaggeration of course but even with these hard economic times you do not have to eliminate healthy foods because of the costs. Don't you think there is a reason that the classic "junk food" is priced so much lower than the "healthy food"? Here are some tips for keeping "healthy food" in your house DESPITE the hard economic times:

1. Do You Shopping Without The Kids. If you can shop without your kids' influence, you can make sure that you get the healthy foods into your home. Your kids would love the "junk" food like the chips, cookies, etc. If you shop alone, you won't have to worry about them "nagging" you to get the "junk".

2. Replace the Soft Drinks with Milk or Water. Soft drinks should be eliminated altogether because of their high sugar and chemical content but if you cannot eliminate them totally; try just at home with milk or water. We all know milk is better for you and your kids' growth and calcium intake. Make drinking soft drinks a "special time" when you are out of the house at an event. Stick with the good stuff at home.

3. Buy the "Healthy Foods" in Quantity. Foods such as fruits and vegetables can be bought in bulk and stored in your freezer in freezer bags so they do not spoil. You can then unfreeze them for use in the future days, weeks or even months.

4. Use Great Protein Sources Like Meats and Beans. These can also be bought in bulk for a better price than if you bought it retail.They also can be prepared in soups and stews using a crock pot and storing them in the freezer for future uses.

5. Try the Local Fish Market. If you live near the coast, going to your local fish market can save time as well as money buying the fish directly from the fishermen. If it is legal, you can even try to catch your own fish as well.

6. Go With the Great Kids Staple: PEANUT BUTTER! Peanut Butter is a favorite of most kids and is a great food on a budget. Natural peanut butter tastes great and can be stored in the refrigerator for weeks.

7. Use High-Water Filled Foods! Using foods like these are not only a great snack for you and your kids but it will "fill them up" better than junk food like chips and cookies. Water-filled fruits such as Watermelon, salads, etc. can do a much "healthier" job of providing a snack that can "fill-up" your kids.

Yes; these are hard economic times. But you do not have to lose the healthy foods because you are on a tight budget. Stick with the healthy foods and you and your family will benefit in more ways than one.

For More Information Please Click Here!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I have heard this saying for most of my life as you probably have. I think it is being passed down generations at a time. But what can we do, as health parents, to prevent ourselves and our kids from getting to the point where we have to say, "starve a cold, feed a fever"?? The BEST thing that we can do is a daily routine of healthy eating and exercise. Many children who are overweight or obese suffer greatly with illnesses that we take for granted. Many obese children have struggles with their blood sugar levels as well as with breathing problems and a lower immune system. Eating healthy foods and regular exercise is the key to help with it all. Will it prevent from ALL sicknesses that come around? Of course not. But it will give them a better chance to fight any and all sicknesses that DO come around.

Now, your kids are not the only ones that can use a healthy diet and regular exercise to help fight colds and illnesses. YOU are also exposed to germs everyday and need to also eat healthy and exercise. If you are overweight yourself, you have a lower immune system and are susceptible to illnesses as well. If you want to not have to remember the saying, "starve a cold, feed a fever", then you need to lose the pounds by eating healthier and exercising. Do it TODAY as "cold and flu" season is just starting and you need to prepare yourself and your kids for all the germs that will be thrown at you.


Monday, October 13, 2008

**Lose The Weight! Prevent The Sickness!**

Now is the time of the year when illness seems to start its yearly mass progression throughout the U.S. The seasons changing; kids going back to school all exposed to each other's germs; etc. There are many ways to prevent getting sick; from vitamins and extra supplements. But what really needs to be discussed is losing that weight. Having significant weight to lose puts a real strain on your whole body and contribute greatly to a lower immune system. The time to get you healthy eating habits in order as well as an exercise program together is NOW! With the holidays fast approaching and cold and flu season in its beginning stages; now more than ever is the best time to start to lose that weight. You will not only feel better but your body will also be able to sufficiently fight any of the vast illnesses that will be coming around you very soon. Take Action TODAY!

Click Here To Take Action Now!

Friday, October 10, 2008

**Get Going With Your Kids!**

One of the biggest issues that face parents today is getting your kids to exercise. But "telling" your kids to "go outside and get some exercise" is NOT the answer. It is your job as a healthy parent to "show" your kids how getting exercise is not only good for improving their health but can also improve YOUR health as well as a great family bonding activity. Check out this quick video below about whats going on and DON"T FORGET to click the link below the video to see what other ideas you can get to be a health parent to your kids!

Click Here To Get More Information!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

CIO Foundation: My Opinion

"The Most Common Health Problem Facing U.S. Children Today---CHILDHOOD OBESITY---A Condition Robbing Kids Of Both Their Quality And Quantity Of Life."

"Overweight And Obesity Are Destroying Our Children's Lives!"

"ONE In THREE Kids Born In 2000 Is Expected To Develop Type 2 Diabetes, With The Risk Of Blindness, Loss Of Kidney Function, And Early Death Associated With It."

"The Stigmatization Directed At Obese Children By Their Peers, Parents, Educators and Others Is Pervasive And Often Unrelenting."

Do those statements seem familiar to you? Have you ever seen or heard these statements made? They are on the website of the "CHILDREN'S INTERNATIONAL OBESITY FOUNDATION.

This is a FANTASTIC website and organization that can truly help Parents that have kids with weight issues. This is just a sample of what they provide:

  1. The Facts, Effects, Causes, Costs Associated with Childhood Obesity
  2. Programs and Support
  3. News and Events
  4. Emergency Intervention and Advocacy
  5. Kids Only Section


"The Children’s International Obesity Foundation is dedicated to predicting, preventing, treating, and ultimately eliminating childhood overweight and obesity. This increasingly costly and painful health epidemic is affecting the world’s population of babies, youngsters, adolescents and young adults. We believe our goal is within reach — but we need your support."

PLEASE! If you have any questions or concerns about your Child's weight issues; have any questions about his or her healthy eating and diet or lack there of; any questions at all please visit their website.


Monday, October 6, 2008

Talking To Your Kids About Their Weight? This Can Backfire!

Talking with your kids about "weight issues" can be a very touchy subject. You do not want to come across as a "nag" or even worse, possibly degrading your kids. If you want to take on any weight issues with your kids, make sue that you do it in a positive way! Do not single them out; make your conversations be a "whole-family" issue that you all need to work on getting healthier. Being a healthy parent needs to be an on-going process. If you talk to your kids in a negative way about any weight issues that they might be having; like saying: "Your getting too fat" or "Do you have to eat all that?"; this will backfire on you and you will have many difficulties with your relationship with your kids. They could rebel against you. They could defy anything you say. They could also have major psychological issues as they grow to adulthood. If you are having problems with talking with your kids about weight issues and eating healthy, check out the video below. Make sure you then click on the link below the video to get information on what you can do TODAY to get the help you need with Healthy Eating and Weight Loss.

Click Here To Get The Information To Help With Your Healthy Eating!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Nutrition And Childhood Obesity

Being a Healthy Parent is what this blog is all about. Whether it is for yourself getting and being healthy; or for your kids. I cannot emphasize the point enough that we, as a society are "killing our kids" with what we give them for nutrition. Childhood Obesity is a problem; that's obvious. But it is a problem in society that CAN and SHOULD be preventable. Our children need to be given the proper tools to make the correct choices on what foods they put into their bodies. We, as parents, need to help them with those choices when they are young; and as they grow, give them the tools to make the choices on their own. Watch this video on "Overweight Kids in America" and then click on the link below to see what you can do. Watch it now:

Click Here To See What You Can Do To help Your Kids!

Childhood Obesity: Video Investigation

This video, as you will see, was done in 2003! Childhood Obesity is an even greater problem now than ever before. After you watch the video, ask yourself the questions you know you need answers to for your kids. Also, check out the link below the video to see what you can do to help your kids and, quite possibly, even yourself if need be. Watch the video now.

Click Here For More Information on What You Can Do!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Face it! We are ALL not perfect! I know that may sound obvious but there are too many people in this world who think "perfection" IS attainable.When it comes to our health, many of us have gotten into "bad habits" with what we are eating as well as the effects that are being thrust upon our bodies. We all have heard that the "bad habits" like smoking, drinking too much, drug use, etc. are looked upon with disdain all over the world. But it seems that when it comes to the "bad habits" of poor nutrition choices and overeating, we don't look at this as we do to the other habits. Poor nutrition and overeating can damage your health just as much as our classic "bad habits of Smoking, drinking, and drugs.

Here are the "bad habits" and some consequences if they are continued:

1. OVEREATING. Besides the obvious result of becoming obese, which has become an absolute crisis here in America; overeating can lead to many medical difficulties such as Heart Disease, Diabetes, Cancer, and many other physical difficulties. We are now seeing many of these medical issues in our children that are overweight; even children as young as pre-school aged!

2. POOR NUTRITION CHOICES. I say "choices' because, for the most part, we CHOOSE what we put into our bodies when it comes to food. It is your "choice" whether you eat that "greasy cheeseburger" or that healthy salad. Choosing foods with high fats and sugars can make you feel fatigued as well as they can literally "make you sick".

3. LACK OF EXERCISE. Making the correct choice with your nutrition is only part of the solution. If you live a sedentary life filled with hours of "couch potato" activities like TV watching, video game playing, computer "surfing", etc.; then you are not going to lose weight; have many medical difficulties, and will not have the proper energy levels to live a fulfilling life.

4. THOSE "OTHER" BAD HABITS. If you have those other habits like smoking, drinking too much, drug use, etc.; they need to be "kicked to the curb"! Its all about the healthy lifestyle and if you are eating healthy and exercising but still smoking for example; are you REALLY being healthy?? Lung cancer, liver cancer, brain damage, etc. are those popular consequences of these "other" bad habits. Difficult to stop? OF COURSE! if it wasn't would there be so many things in this world to "help" us overcome these habits?

Your family cares about you so YOU NEED TO CARE ABOUT YOU! Eating Badly? Eating Too Much? Not Exercising? Participating In Those "Other Bad Habits?

Make The Change NOW!!

START TODAY so you will be around to SEE TOMORROW!!

Take A Sneak Peak Here to Get Started TODAY!