Wednesday, October 15, 2008

**Hard Economic Times? Don't Skimp On Healthy Foods! **

The video above is an exaggeration of course but even with these hard economic times you do not have to eliminate healthy foods because of the costs. Don't you think there is a reason that the classic "junk food" is priced so much lower than the "healthy food"? Here are some tips for keeping "healthy food" in your house DESPITE the hard economic times:

1. Do You Shopping Without The Kids. If you can shop without your kids' influence, you can make sure that you get the healthy foods into your home. Your kids would love the "junk" food like the chips, cookies, etc. If you shop alone, you won't have to worry about them "nagging" you to get the "junk".

2. Replace the Soft Drinks with Milk or Water. Soft drinks should be eliminated altogether because of their high sugar and chemical content but if you cannot eliminate them totally; try just at home with milk or water. We all know milk is better for you and your kids' growth and calcium intake. Make drinking soft drinks a "special time" when you are out of the house at an event. Stick with the good stuff at home.

3. Buy the "Healthy Foods" in Quantity. Foods such as fruits and vegetables can be bought in bulk and stored in your freezer in freezer bags so they do not spoil. You can then unfreeze them for use in the future days, weeks or even months.

4. Use Great Protein Sources Like Meats and Beans. These can also be bought in bulk for a better price than if you bought it retail.They also can be prepared in soups and stews using a crock pot and storing them in the freezer for future uses.

5. Try the Local Fish Market. If you live near the coast, going to your local fish market can save time as well as money buying the fish directly from the fishermen. If it is legal, you can even try to catch your own fish as well.

6. Go With the Great Kids Staple: PEANUT BUTTER! Peanut Butter is a favorite of most kids and is a great food on a budget. Natural peanut butter tastes great and can be stored in the refrigerator for weeks.

7. Use High-Water Filled Foods! Using foods like these are not only a great snack for you and your kids but it will "fill them up" better than junk food like chips and cookies. Water-filled fruits such as Watermelon, salads, etc. can do a much "healthier" job of providing a snack that can "fill-up" your kids.

Yes; these are hard economic times. But you do not have to lose the healthy foods because you are on a tight budget. Stick with the healthy foods and you and your family will benefit in more ways than one.

For More Information Please Click Here!

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