Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I have heard this saying for most of my life as you probably have. I think it is being passed down generations at a time. But what can we do, as health parents, to prevent ourselves and our kids from getting to the point where we have to say, "starve a cold, feed a fever"?? The BEST thing that we can do is a daily routine of healthy eating and exercise. Many children who are overweight or obese suffer greatly with illnesses that we take for granted. Many obese children have struggles with their blood sugar levels as well as with breathing problems and a lower immune system. Eating healthy foods and regular exercise is the key to help with it all. Will it prevent from ALL sicknesses that come around? Of course not. But it will give them a better chance to fight any and all sicknesses that DO come around.

Now, your kids are not the only ones that can use a healthy diet and regular exercise to help fight colds and illnesses. YOU are also exposed to germs everyday and need to also eat healthy and exercise. If you are overweight yourself, you have a lower immune system and are susceptible to illnesses as well. If you want to not have to remember the saying, "starve a cold, feed a fever", then you need to lose the pounds by eating healthier and exercising. Do it TODAY as "cold and flu" season is just starting and you need to prepare yourself and your kids for all the germs that will be thrown at you.


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